12 September 2008

Kitanoumi Toshimitu

Kitanoumi Toshimitu is a former sumo wrestler and former chairman of the Japan sumo association. He resigned a chairman of the Japan sumo association because of the cannabis scandal Rohou and Hakurozan have absorbed cannabis. But he stayed the director. So this penalty is too soft!! I think he must be punished more strictly.

11 September 2008

Zinedine Yazid Zidane

Zinedine Yazid Zidane is very famous soccer player. But, he is also troublemaker.
July 9, 2006, the finals of 2006 FIFA World Cup was held in Berlin. (An Italian representative VS an French representative) So he head-butted Marco Materazzi. As a result, he was punished and became leaving disposal. But he received a golden ball prize in the vote by the journalist. He has always showed super play to us and we have been fascinated his play. That’s why I think he is receiving high popularity from various people.

Asasyoryu in Back to the future

the appearance of new style as Judo player

Satoshi Ishii is gold medalist in Judo of the Beijing Olympics. Many people didn’t know him until the Beijing Olympics. Of course, me too. He is a senior at Kokushikan University, so we are the near age as him.

The reason why he became popular suddenly is not only his achievement in Olympics but also his funny speech. For example,
“I want to play to the full. ・・・No, I want to practice Judo.” (interview after the winning)
“I can back to Japan alive.” (interview after the winning)
“I look up to Yokozuna,Asasyoryu and Kameda brothers.”
“I’m attracted to Murofushi as male.” (interview at the dissolution ceremony of Japanese Olympics team)
“What I lose a match means that I will die.” (speech at the support ceremony before Olympics)
“Prime minister, Fukuda is unpopular because he isn’t designing.” (interview after shake hands with Fukuda)

Shinichi Shinohara who was commentator when Ishii won and Masato Uchishiba who is also gold medalist and captain of Judo team, warned him by saying that he had better not speak and that he should make effort more.

Some people may not like him because he is scatterbrain. But he speaks about various subjects and his speech is too funny. We have to pay attention to his act from now on!!!

Yoshito Okubo

Yoshito Okubo is a soccer player in Japan and belongs to Vissel Kobe, a team of J league. His position is FW. He is small (170cm) and runs very fast, but he often shows powerful play as well. Many people are attracted to his desperate efforts to win and great physical ability like animal.

When he was in Kunimi high school―famous for soccer―,he achieved the goal of winning in big three championships (Inter-High-School Athletic Competition, the National Athletic Meet, High School Soccer Championships). And after he graduated, he joined J league.

He made the trouble during the training camp for W-cup in Germany in 2004. He went to cabaret with his team mates in the evening without permission. This is broadcasted on TV and newspaper and former supervisor of Japanese national team, Zico got very angry. Because of this trouble, he wasn’t selected as national team for a while.

Anyway he has strong heart, so he is likely to be irritated. In his debut match he had a fuss with competitor and got red card. He has got many red cards ever since. In the third heat for W-cup in South Africa, when he struck GK, he kicked GK in front of referee and got red card. When he belonged to Mallorca (Liga Española) in 2005-2006, he had fuss with very famous player, David Beckham without reserve, so he tries to do everything for winning.

I think fighting spirits he has are needed in Japan today. His play gives us power never to give up even rough play. So, he is necessary villain.

Yamamoto Kid Norifumi

Yamamoto Kid Norihumi is fighter. He belongs to Krazy Bee. His nickname is kid. He said that his father who was wrestling player was God for his part. So he is a Son of God. He is strong and popular in many people. But his behavior is very bad and some people are hostile to him. I will show you some case.

In 16 September 2002 he fought with Tetsuo Katsuda. While they were fighting referee told them to stop fighting. But kid didn’t stop to fight. And he continued to hit Katsuda. Because of this problem he was suspended his license.

In 17 February 2006 he also made problem. After Akira Kikuchi who was Kid’s same bureau had finished fight, Kid fling against ring doctor. Besides Kid hit doctor’s hip by leg. Many people reproached this problem and he and his bureau’s member were prohibited from participating Shooto.

Like these Kid made many trouble. But his ability is remarkable. He won the middle class in Hero’s. And he won Shooto amateur class.
Surely sometime he makes problems that is not allowed. But when I think his character, I think that he should be bare. I think that including such troubles he is Yamamoto KID Norifumi. I don’t know how to explain…..anyway I like him.

Asasyoryu vs Hakuho

"Fight" happened on the sumo ring in the match of Yokozuna Asasyoryu and Yokozuna Hakuho in May 2008. Asasyoryu hit Hakuho with extra blow although Hakuho had lost already. Hakuho got angry and scowled at Asasyoryu, while Asasyoryu was surprised and recoiled. A hush fell over the spectators. Both of them looked away and calmed down immediately. In tense atmosphere, spectators forgot throwing Japanese cushions―spectators often throw cushions in a checkered match―and Asasyoryu smiled wryly.

Asasyoryu said,
"I was frightened of Hakuho because I thought he wanted to hit me."
"He is often irritated immediately because he is still young."

While Hakuho insisted that his behavior was right.
"Because Asasyoryu levied the "fight" on head, ・・・.

Many people thought Asasyoryu was wrong, not Hakuho. According to YAHOO!JAPAN online research, 63 percent of the respondents thought Asasyoryu was wrong but only 8 percent of the respondents thought Hakuho was wrong.

Personally I thought Asasyoryu was wrong. Watching the video broadcasted on TV, I thought Asasyoryu's extra blow was clearly unnecessary and it was natural that Hakuho got angry.

In this event, people thought Yokozuna’s behavior was not good. But people could also feel heat of sumo. In this meaning, Asasyoryu might arouse the world of sumo.