11 September 2008

the appearance of new style as Judo player

Satoshi Ishii is gold medalist in Judo of the Beijing Olympics. Many people didn’t know him until the Beijing Olympics. Of course, me too. He is a senior at Kokushikan University, so we are the near age as him.

The reason why he became popular suddenly is not only his achievement in Olympics but also his funny speech. For example,
“I want to play to the full. ・・・No, I want to practice Judo.” (interview after the winning)
“I can back to Japan alive.” (interview after the winning)
“I look up to Yokozuna,Asasyoryu and Kameda brothers.”
“I’m attracted to Murofushi as male.” (interview at the dissolution ceremony of Japanese Olympics team)
“What I lose a match means that I will die.” (speech at the support ceremony before Olympics)
“Prime minister, Fukuda is unpopular because he isn’t designing.” (interview after shake hands with Fukuda)

Shinichi Shinohara who was commentator when Ishii won and Masato Uchishiba who is also gold medalist and captain of Judo team, warned him by saying that he had better not speak and that he should make effort more.

Some people may not like him because he is scatterbrain. But he speaks about various subjects and his speech is too funny. We have to pay attention to his act from now on!!!


chihiro said...

I'm interested in his remark!
And I hope for him getting a Gold medal in next olympic!!

katu said...

I like him too.
I want him to get a goakd medal in next olympic.
Let's support him.

ryota said...

He is really funny guy! After winning in Olympic, he wanted to train. And he also said that Setagaya high school player was stronger than finalist in Olympic. Is high school student stronger than finalist? He must be foolish.

double.k said...

He is maybe foolish a little.But he has something in his nature that I can't hate.
I'm looking foward to his next remarks!

Ryo said...

I like his character! And I want him to become a hero of the Japanese judo.

Shiori said...

I also think his comments are unique. I like his comments.